Art for kids

Mondovicino, gets schools involved with the Cracking Art installation
More than 580 works of the Cracking Art Group have invaded the Mondovicino Retail Park, owned by the Caramell Family, Igd Siiq Spa and Coop Liguria, since April.
A veritable multi-color invasion of 21 gigantic, 201 mid-size and 365 small works representing all sorts of animals, from wolves to elephants, from crocodiles to bears, not to mention penguins, swallows, frogs and snails.
“We chose the Cracking Art artists – stated Giacomo Caramelli – because we think their form of contemporary art has a strong message, but is also capable of engaging visitors and providing the place where the works are installed with a sense of joy. This is also the reason we got the local schools involved, so that children can be part of activities that bring them closer to art, but also increase their awareness of the disastrous consequences that the widespread use of plastic has for our planet”.
From 7 to 26 May, each morning during the week children from the local schools will be involved in a cultural project focused on sustainability which fits perfectly with the educational goal of Cracking Art’s show.
To date 10 schools from the surrounding area will be involved in the initiative. The only school from Mondovì is the Trigari School which will bring its smallest students to participate in the activities.
Over the next few days around 600 students, after donning reflective vests, will first have a guided tour of the exhibit and then will be involved in workshops focused on recycling: from the 4 R (reduce, reuse, recover and recycle) game to the quiz about biodegradable waste, to the workshop during which the “young artists” will use plastic materials (bottles, plates, glasses, bottle caps, etc.) to make animals that they can take home as souvenirs of their experience along with a picture and a certificate attesting to their participation in the “guess which waste you are” game”.
Cracking Art is an artistic movement born in 1993 with the intention of radically changing the history of art through a strong social and environmental commitment. Known worldwide for the creation of urban installations depicting animals, Cracking Art wants to represent the dichotomy between natural / artificial. The name “Cracking Art” comes from the English verb “to crack”, which express the state of being split, broken, cracked, or crashed. This catalytic cracking, as the name suggests, is also the term for the chemical reaction that occurs when converting raw crude oil into plastic. For the artists, it represents the instant when something natural becomes artificial and is the reason why they seek to seize that very moment in their art form. Since its inception, the movement has made over 400 installations all over the world representing animals made with artificial but eco-sustainable material. All the works, in fact, after a series of uses are shredded and the regenerated plastic for the realization of new installations.
For more information please visit the website