Breaking news of the first half 2020

In this issue we will talk about:
- sustainable mobility,
- the certification program for our properties and the fact that IGD was recognized by EPRA for adhering to best practices relating to the key aspects identified by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,
- we will tell you how the meetings went with investors at the Digital Italian Sustainability Week held at the end of June.
IGD provides sustainable mobility with concrete support
With IONITY, which inaugurates the first quick charging station at an Italian shopping center, Puntadiferro. takes a first step toward becoming an important point of reference for electric cars.
On 3 July the IONITY’s first high-power charging station was inaugurated in Forlì, at the Puntadiferro center. The joint venture of German car manufacturers has, therefore, chosen one of IGD’s important assets, found in a strategic position, to launch its presence in Italian shopping centers.
The new high-power charging station, which is supplied with 100% renewable electricity, services four 350kW stations at the same time. This is the seventh HPC charging station to be opened by IONITY in Italy.
The Puntadiferro center already had one EnerHub charging station. If we consider that shortly a third prestigious operator will be added, the Forlì shopping center is ready to become a real point of reference for those who drive electric cars in the area.
IGD continues with the implementation of its ambitious project which calls for the installation of 32 charging stations for electric cars in 18 shopping centers, including the Puntadiferro center which is already operative, by the end of 2020.
At the end of June 16 charging stations had been installed at eight IGD centers. The statistics compiled show a continuous increase in the use of all the charging stations.
Find out more on the agreement with Ionity
The certification process, which ensures efficient environmental property management, continues as planned
Important milestones reached in the certification of IGD’s Italian portfolio. The process leading to carbon neutral by 2030 is clearly visible, with a “Nearly Zero Energy Building” portfolio in Italy.
The process leading to BREEAM in Use certification of 3 key assets was also successfully completed in the first few months of 2020. Currently IGD’s network includes seven centers with this type of certification, in addition to the BREEAM certified CentroSarca in Milan. The long-term goal is to obtain BREEAM certification for 80% of the Italian portfolio by 2030.
Find out more on our environmental certifications
EPRA recognizes IGD’s best practice with respect to key aspects of TCFD
The disclosures in IGD’s reports increasingly respond to investors’ new expectations for greater transparency when discussing the risks stemming from climate change.
On 30 June EPRA published a report entitled “Enhancing transparency with the TCFD” which aligns their Best Practice Recommendations with the TCFD guidelines. An integration which reflects the investors’ request that real estate company’s improve disclosure relative to the areas of risk and opportunity associated with climate change.
In this report, IGD, which beginning with the CSR 2019 has included TCFD reporting, is cited as adhering to European best practice with respect to two specific aspects viewed as relevant by the Task Force: risk management and the metrics used to measure environmental risk.
Find out more on our guidelines of the sustainability report
The interest of Italian investors in sustainability and the strategic choices made by IGD in this regard increases
On 30 June IGD participated in the Digital Italian Sustainability Week organized by Borsa Italiana and had virtual meetings with seven Italian analysts and investors, a number that exceeds the number of meetings IGD has had since it began participating in this type of event.
The investors’ questions were focused on Sustainability strategy. IGD had the opportunity to describe the 12 material topics that were updated after having listened to stakeholders and comparing these topics with the company’s priorities. A lot of time was dedicated to providing a better understanding of the risks that were identified for first time in the CSR 2019 report, along with the policies and control measures implemented. Lastly, the discussion also touched on the targets that IGD included in the new Plan. The time horizon for some of these is through 2030.
During what was a very concrete and formal discussion, it was also pointed out how, in a world revolutionized by Covid-19, social responsibility continues to be key with a new conquest: the knowledge that the ability to provide a safe environment inside the shopping center may become a new topic to explore and include permanently in the materiality matrix.
As always, new, interesting food for thought emerges from these meetings with investors which drive IGD to focus on new targets and rise to new challenges.
Find out more on the Digital Italian Sustainability Week