Breaking news of the first six months of 2023
New recognition for the quality of IGD’s ESG performance, while the initiatives to further reduce environmental impact continue

IGD was included among Europe’s 500 Climate Leaders: a list compiled by Financial Times of the companies who reduced their GHG emissions the most in the period 2016-2021. ISS ESG also rated IGD’s sustainability policies and performance C+ with prime status: a result not solicited by IGD which will help to bring the Company to the attention of investors who focus their investments on securities with good ESG ratings.
This recognition is attributable to the long journey begun by IGD more than ten years ago to act responsibly with respect to both its business and within the communities in which it operates, confirmed also by the new biodiversity projects undertaken.
The Financial Times recognizes IGD’s ongoing commitment to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases
IGD was included in the third edition of the list of the 500 companies found to be “Europe’s Climate Leaders 2023”, compiled by Financial Times and Statista which was published in May 2023. IGD was already included in the list of the leading companies published by FT in May 2022.
Only companies using transparent methods in calculating their Scope 3 emissions, who collaborate in the Carbon Disclosure Project and the Science Based Targets initiative (which focuses on the analysis of plans to reduce emissions) were taken into consideration. The companies included in the list published were selected from this group based on the extent to which its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions were reduced in the five-year period 2016-2021, calculated using the tons of CO2 emissions for each million of euros in revenues.
The list of Leaders 2023 includes, in addition to IGD, 33 Italian companies and 27 property companies.
This recognition, therefore, rewards the disciplined and knowledgeable approach IGD has been using to fight climate change since 2015.
The C+ sustainability rating with prime status assigned by ISS ESG will carry a lot of weight in the investors’ valuations
For the first time in its history, IGD received a Corporate ESG rating of C+ with prime status from the rating agency ISS ESG.
This rating indicates that IGD is among the best companies in its sector in terms of sustainability policies and performances, fully compliant with the requisites for real estate companies.
The rating received by IGD was unsolicited, meaning the Company did not request nor pay for it.
For several years IGD has also received a Quality Score from ISS. This score analyzes and measures the Environment, Social and Governance risk and assigns a score of between 1 and 10 for each area of performance.
Consistent with the good scores received by IGD as a result of this assessment, the rating recognizes the validity of the strategy the Company began implementing in 2011 and has changed over time based on new priorities and changes in the business which has had a positive impact on the Company’s results, as well as the interests of its stakeholders.
The projects to promote biodiversity in the areas where its shopping centers are located continue
In the Business Plan 2022-2024 IGD included biodiversity in the company’s sustainability strategy, including in accordance with EU Regulation 2020/852. The choice reflects the understanding that the Shopping Center, given its stable presence in the community, can help to protect and promote local biodiversity: this awareness is also the result of the BREEAM certification that IGD has obtained for 10 assets as this process focuses on wellbeing both inside and outside the shopping center.
The target established in the Plan calls for the implementation of four biodiversity projects in the same number of shopping centers.
A first project was begun in the “Le Porte di Napoli” Center which involved the creation of green walls with a view to improving the interior, as well as making the shopping center a more active part of the area that surrounds it.
More recently, a project came to life at the Centro d’Abruzzo, where the Oasi di Biodiversità was inaugurated on 7 June. The oasis can be visited by the entire community and includes not only indigenous plants, but also a bee garden with two bee hotels created by the first hotel is for traveling bees, while the second is for bees who are already producing honey. By requalifying part of the center’s parking area and transforming into the oasis, IGD was able achieve its goal to protect the biodiversity of the local ecosystem.
With regard to the other two projects included in the Plan, specialized technicians are analyzing the current situation at the Coné center in Conegliano Veneto and Portogrande in San Benedetto del Tronto, in order to define an operational plan for Coné in 2023 and for Portogrande in 2024.