Breaking news of the first three months of 2021

In this edition our focus will be on the work IGD is doing to promote and spread sustainability best practices in Italy and abroad. During the first quarter of 2021 the Company was one of the first to sign the “Sustainability Manifesto” defined by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Centri Commerciali (CNCC) and participated in the first workshop sponsored by BPIE (Buildings Performance Institute Europe), in collaboration with ECSP (European Council of Shopping Places), focused on creating a vision shared by the players of the European retail real estate sector for a zero emissions future.
IGD and the “Sustainability Manifesto” sponsored by the CNCC
During the meeting held on 26 March 2021, CNCC’s Executive Board approved the “Sustainability Manifesto”. This document is born out of the conviction that now, more than ever, business development must accommodate social and financial objectives, based on a model that promotes inclusive and sustainable collaboration across the board. More specifically, with the Manifesto the CNCC intends to confirm and promote its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs defined by the United Nations. The recipients of the document include both members of the CNCC and non-members (local and national institutions, investors/the market, shopping center customers, retail parks and outlets). The document was prepared by the “Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)” Commission formed inside the CNCC, of which IGD is Chair, comprised of the different types of companies that are part of the association. IGD signed the document immediately, convinced that now is the time for the entire shopping center sector to get involved in these issues.
CNCC Manifesto for sustainability (439 KB – pdf)
IGD’s participation in the international workshop organized by BPIE
In March 2021 IGD participated in a workshop sponsored by BPIE (Buildings Performance Institute Europe), in collaboration with ECSP (European Council of Shopping Places) entitled “Paris-proof Retail Real Estate. Creating a common vision towards climate neutral Retail Real Estate”. The workshop is the first step in a year-long project which aims to put the market players in touch with the European policy makers in order to define a shared path focused on accelerating the pivot toward carbon neutral property portfolios by 2050, consistent with the Paris Agreement. The project also focuses on the economic resources needed to invest in zero carbon buildings.
In addition to IGD, participants in the workshop included leading European retail real estate companies, who worked to define the sector’s vision relative to a few key questions such as: how to achieve a carbon neutral portfolio, what impact could it have on the income statement, which policies could help to simplify this transition.
The journey will continue for the entire year and by the end of 2021 will culminate in the co-creation of a road map to decarbonization.