IGD SIIQ SPA – Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata S.p.A.

Headquarters: Via Trattati Comunitari Europei 1957-2007, n. 13 – 40127 Bologna


Share capital subscribed and paid-in € 650,000,000.00
Divided into 110,341,903 ordinary shares
VAT and Bologna Company Register no. 00397420399
Bologna Chamber of Commerce (R.E.A.) no.: 458582

Company subject to the control and direction of Coop Alleanza 3.0 Soc. Coop.

Telephone: +39 051 509111
Fax: +39 051 509247

Email: info@gruppoigd.it

PEC: igd@legalmail.it

How to reach us

By car from the Adriatic motorway A14 Bologna-Taranto

Take the exit Bologna Fiera, after the toll, continue straight on Via Michelino, at the roundabout take the second exit continuing on Via Michelino, at the next roundabout take the second exit remaining on Via Michelino, then turn right onto Viale Europa, at the Luchino Visconti’s roundabout  take the second exit on via Tito Carnacini ,  then at the Baroni’s roundabout take the third exit in via Trattati Comunitari Europei  1957-2007. At this point you enter the Business Park complex, at the roundabout take the first exit, continue straight until you reach the building D.

By car from the ring road of Bologna

Take exit number 8 bis towards SP5/Granarolo Emilia/Viale Europa/CAAB Ortomercato/Facoltà di Agraria. After the exit turn right in Viale Europa, at the Luchino Visconti’s roundabout take the second exit on via Tito Carnacini,  then at the Baroni’s roundabout take the third exit on via Trattati Comunitari Europei 1957-2007. At this point you enter the Business Park complex, at the roundabout take the first exit, continue straight until you reach the building D. 

From  the Guglielmo Marconi Airport of Bologna

By taxi (about 15 minutes): The taxi stand is located outside the arrivals hall on the ground floor.

From Bologna Central Train Station

  • By taxi (about 15 minutes): The taxi stand is located outside in Piazza Medaglie d’oro.
  • By bus (about 20 minutes): exit the station in Piazza Medaglie d’oro and take the ATC 35 line, the bus stop is on the left. Continue by bus to the stop “Faculty of Agriculture.” Then walk to the right and enter the small pedestrian gate to enter the building complex Business Park, IGD is located in front of the gate building D.


Claudia Contarini
Investor Relator
+39 051 509213
Enrico Barozzi
Head of Leasing
Francesco Soldi
Head of Sustainability & Reporting