Filing of documents – Merger by incorporation project of IGD MANAGEMENT SIINQ S.p.A. in IGD SIIQ S.p.A.
IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A., one of the main player owner and manager of retail shopping centers in Italy and listed on the Euronext STAR Milan segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, referring to what previously communicated on 23 February 2023 and 24 February 2023, advises that, pursuant to art. 2501-septies of Italian Civil Code and art. 70, paragraphs 1 and 7 of Consob’s Regulations for Issuers adopted with resolution 11971 of 14 May 1999, the following documents relating to the merger by incorporation project of the fully owned subsidiary IGD Management Siinq S.p.A.: (i) the merger project drawn up pursuant to articles 2501-ter and 2505, paragraph 1 of the Italian Civil Code; (ii) the financial statements of the last 3 years of the companies participating in the merger; (iii) the draft financial statement as at 31 December 2022 of the companies participating in the merger, are now available at the Company’s registered office, on the Company’s website, as well as on the authorized storage system eMarket STORAGE, managed by Teleborsa S.r.l..