IGD, aware of the need to guarantee conditions of correctness and transparency when carrying out its business and corporate activities, and in order to protect its position and its image, its stakeholders’ expectations and its employees’ occupation, deemed it appropriate, and in keeping with its corporate policies, to proceed with the implementation of the Organizational, Management and Control Model provided for in Legislative Decree 231/2001 since 2006.
In the same year, the Board of Directors, therefore, approved the adoption of the Organizational, Management and Control Model, the purpose being to create a structured and organised system of rules, procedures, tools, and control activities, aimed at achieving goals regarding the effectiveness and the efficiency of activities and at the same time preventing the perpetration of different types of crimes and offences prescribed by the Decree.
The adoption of this Model can help to reinforce the culture of legality as a founding value, in addition to being a valid awareness-raising and guiding tool for the actions of all those that operate in the name and on behalf of IGD.
We have adopted the Model since 2006, being always sensitive to the need of spreading the culture of legality in the conduct of our business.
The Board of Directors, which met on 5 November 2020, approved a recent update of the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, in order to implement the introduction of the new predicate offenses as well as to integrate it with the Anti-Corruption Management System adopted on the basis of the certification obtained by the Company in March 2020 pursuant to the UNI ISO 37001: 2016 standard “Anti bribery management system”, the international reference standard for anti-corruption management systems.
In November 2020 the IGD population was adequately trained on the innovations introduced with the updating of the Organizational Model adopted by the Company.
The Board of Directors appointed a Supervisory Board, which was assigned the task of monitoring and controlling the performance of the Model, its effectiveness, adequacy and compliance, as well as being responsible for updating it.
The Supervisory Board has two reporting lines: a periodic one to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors, and a six-monthly one to the Board of Directors.
The Supervisory Board specifically appointed an external consulting firm which provides the necessary operational support for the management and analysis of the established flow of information pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 2, subsection d) of Legislative Decree 231/01, in addition to carrying out specific audits based on evidence received through the above mentioned flow of information.
The Supervisory Board in office, is made up of Gilberto Coffari, as Chairman, Alessandra De Martino and Paolo Maestri, all of whom possess those professional skills that are capable of guaranteeing within the Board itself the presence of specific knowledge needed in order to effectively carry out the duties which it has been assigned.
The Supervisory Board will remain in office until the end of the current Board of Directors’ mandate, that is until the approval of the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2023 by the AGM.