IGD announces its intention to issue a bond
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Following the obtainment of a Baa3 rating with stable outlook from Moody’s and the issue of Euro 300 million senior unsecured bonds (having a five-year maturity and a coupon equal to 2.5%), IGD has resolved to issue a new senior unsecured bond in line with the liability management activities provided by its Business Plan.
The Board of Directors of Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. (the “Company”), in the meeting held today, has resolved to issue senior unsecured and non-convertible bonds reserved to qualified investors, for an aggregate amount equal to Euro 100,000,000.00, with a seven-year maturity, to be issued by and no later than 31 January 2017.
The new bonds will have the following main features:
- denomination of Euro 100,000;
- maturity of seven years;
- gross annual coupon equal to 2.25%;
- issue price equal to 100% of the principal amount.
The bonds will not be admitted to listing on any regulated market or to trading on any multilateral trading facility.
This transaction will enable IGD to extent its financial maturity profiles and to further reduce the cost of funding.
The issue is aimed at refinancing the existing indebtedness as well as pursuing general corporate purposes.
Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. acts as Arranger in the context of the transaction. Chiomenti acts as legal advisor to the Company.
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