18 September 2024 11:31

IGD received EPRA Gold Awards for 2023 consolidated financial statements and sustainability report

The European Public Real Estate Association recognized again this year IGD’s highest level of compliance to the Best Practice Recommendations

Berlin, 18 September 2024. IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A., is pleased to announce that once again this year, at the EPRA Conference 2024, the annual meeting of the European Public Real Estate Association, it was awarded two major international awards for its level of compliance with the Association’s Best Practice Recommendations, which represent the highest European standard in terms of transparency, comparability and relevance of key business performance indicators.

For the seventh year in a row, IGD has received the “EPRA BPR Gold Award” (Best Practice Recommendations) for the 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements. The award recognizes the Company’s continued commitment to maintaining the transparency and comparability of its reporting at the highest quality level for the benefit of investors, the financial community, and all the Group’s stakeholders. In the analysis conducted by EPRA in collaboration with Deloitte, the financial statements of 178 European real estate companies, members of the Association were examined.

IGD also achieved, for the tenth consecutive year, the “EPRA sBPR Gold Award” (sustainability Best Practice Recommendations), for the 2023 Sustainability Report, awarded following JLL’s analysis of the sustainability reports of 170 companies in the real estate sector at the European level. The award confirms the high standards achieved by IGD in sustainability reporting.


Also, as part of the 2024 EPRA Conference in Berlin, IGD, together with more than 30 real estate companies, will participate in the Investor Day held on September 19th, during which the CEO and General Manager, Roberto Zoia, together with the Director of Planning, Control, IR and Sustainability, Raffaele Nardi, and the Investor Relator, Claudia Contarini, will meet with several international institutional investors.

Since its listing, IGD has been a member of EPRA (European Public Real Estate Association), the European real estate association with more than 290 members representing assets worth more than €840 billion and 95% of the market cap of the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Europe index.

Founded in 1999, EPRA is a non-profit organization registered in Belgium. EPRA’s mission is to promote, develop and represent listed European real estate companies. This is achieved by providing information to investors and stakeholders, being actively involved in public policy debates, improving the general operating environment, promoting best practices, as well as uniting and strengthening the sector.


For more information please visit the EPRA’s website at the following link https://www.epra.com/