IGD’s financial profile improves

Thanks to the successful exchange and consent solicitation transaction, launched last 5 October in order to refinance the €400 million bond maturing in November 2024, IGD can now focus on optimizing operational and financial management.
On 14 November IGD completed a transaction which is key to strengthening its future financial sustainability and reducing its short-term risk profile.
Thanks to the fact that almost 86% of the bondholders accepted the terms and conditions of the Offer, on 17 November the Company issued new a senior bond of approximately €310 million and paid roughly €30.4 million in cash to preexisting bondholders who had accepted the exchange offer by the early deadline of 13 October.
Snapshot of the new issueBond characteristics: senior, non-subordinated and non-convertible Issue date: 17 November 2023 Expiration: 17 May 2027 Coupon: as from 28 November 2023 the New Notes will expire on 17 May 2027 at a fixed interest rate of:
to be paid in each case annually in arrears. Clause limiting the distribution of earnings: it is prohibited to distribute dividends in excess of the amount necessary to maintain the status as a real estate investment company or SIIQ Repayment clause: priority repayment mandatory in the instance of an asset sale event Listing: Global Exchange Market of Euronext Dublin; the Company also submitted an application to be traded on the Euronext Access Milan market |
A market-friendly transaction which met investors’ expectations
The way in which the transaction that ended last 14 November was structured, as well as the relative terms and conditions, reflect the intent to respond to the credit capital markets’ current expectations.
The high take-up rate of approximately 86% achieved by IGD proves that the rationale underlying the transaction was understood and appreciated. The positive feedback also demonstrates that the investors believe in the Company’s strategy and are confident in the management’s ability to continue to implement it, resulting in FFO capable of supporting the path for the future.
The number 1 objective of this transaction? Maintain the “investment grade” rating of IGD’s debt
The push behind the early refinancing of the €400 million bond maturing in 2024 arises from the need to maintain the positive opinion of the Company’s creditworthiness expressed by the rating agencies which view managing the risk of finding new financial resources well in advance as essential.
IGD would like to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that might materialize on the market in the near future, including any windows that might open on the corporate bond market as rates decrease. Toward this end, if we want to maintain a competitive coupon on any new issues, having an investment grade rating is key.
Now that the short-term refinancing risk has been eliminated, IGD can now focus on finding the best solutions for the future.
No significant financial maturities before 2027
Now that the hurdle of the €400 million bond maturing in November 2024 has been removed, over the next few years IGD can work on rescheduling debt as effectively as possible, as well as minimizing the cost.
Disposals are still an important card that IGD has yet to play in the game to reduce LTV
IGD’s management team is working hard on providing the market with news on the disposal of assets currently in its portfolio as quickly as possible. The cash-in generated by the disposals, which hopefully will be completed in the new few months, will make is possible to lower the Loan-to-Value and limit the cost of debt.