number 4 - November 2023

/ 11 March 2024

Letter to the Shareholders 2024 of the Chairman and the CEO

/ 4 June 2024

New governance to enact change in IGD

During the Annual General Meeting held last April 18th, shareholders appointed the Board of Directors which will be in office for the next three years and provided IGD with a new governance structure designed to adequately guide and support the Company during the challenges that lie ahead.

/ 4 June 2024

A portfolio with numerous certified assets opens the door to green finance instruments

Thanks to a farsighted approach, today IGD’s portfolio comprises a number of properties which already have the certification needed to access green financing instruments.  By continuing along this path, in 2024 and beyond the Sustainability Plan 2022-2024 horizon, IGD will be well positioned to meet the demand for green investments of a growing number of international investors.

/ 11 March 2024

In 2023, major marketing projects completed and operational metrics confirm the validity of the choices made

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Via Trattati Comunitari Europei 1957-2007, 13

40127 Bologna


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Capitale Sociale sottoscritto e versato € 650.000.000,00
Suddiviso in n. 110.341.903 azioni ordinarie
R.E.A. di Bologna: 458582
Società soggetta alla Direzione e Coordinamento di Coop Alleanza 3.0 Soc. Coop.

Per la trasmissione e lo stoccaggio delle Informazioni Regolamentate IGD SIIQ SPA si avvale del sistema di diffusione eMarket SDIR e del meccanismo di stoccaggio eMarket STORAGE disponibile all’indirizzo gestiti da Teleborsa S.r.l., con sede in Piazza Priscilla 4, Roma.