New commitments and important progress in the 2017 corporate sustainability report

The 2017 Corporate Sustainability Report marks a turning point in the path undertaken by IGD in 2011.
Firstly, because of the quality of the information provided which, as a result of compliance with Global Reporting Initiative standards, was certified for the first time by an independent firm: PwC.
Secondly, for the 13 new material issues which were singled out by looking at what was relevant for IGD and what was the most important for the stakeholders. The new priorities were grouped together under five main themes – Green, Responsible, Ethical, Attractive, Together – which forms the acronym GREAT. Becoming GREAT, namely becoming bigger and better, is the red thread uniting all the sustainability policies and initiatives.
Thirdly, the 2017 CSR contains a substantial step forward: it introduces the steps that IGD will take to reach some of the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations for the millennium. More in detail, IGD selected 10 of the 17 goals set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: those involving working to change the planet, protect the environment, establish economic prosperity, as well as social wellbeing.
The important results achieved in 2017, fruit of the steps take to implement the Sustainability Plan, are also included in the new report. The most important and tangible results are shown below, grouped together by theme.
- Energy solely from renewable sources used at all portfolio properties, avoiding CO2 emissions by more than 20 thousand tons (equal to the annual electricity consumption of 16,600 families)
- Solar panels installed at two more shopping centers, for a total of five centers
- Thanks to reduced energy consumption retailers saved more than €1.5 million in the last five years
- A total of 14 shopping centers were UNI EN ISO 14001 certified at year-end
- Started activities to obtain “Breeam in Use” certification for Katanè and Tiburtino
- A total of 13 shopping centers had LED lighting at year-end
- Started “Waste2value”, a circular economy project in a shopping center
- 5% of the personnel has a permanent contract
- 99% of the employees in Italy benefitted from the new corporate welfare system
- 3 hours of training was provided, on average, to each employee in Italy
- 3 hours of training was provided, on average, to each employee in Romania
- 32 sustainability protocols were signed in Romania, bringing the total to 293
- 3 star Legality Rating confirmed in Italy
- 31% of the BoD is comprised of the least represented gender
- More than €3 million was invested in shopping center events
- Social Return on Investment at the Puntadiferro center in Forlì: each euro invested generated €2.75 in social wellbeing, 70% of which benefitted the shopping center retailers
- Digital interactive kiosks installed in 100% of the malls
- As a result of turnover, new brands were introduced 40% of the time resulting in 27 new brands in the malls
- 5,880 visitors interviewed during the satisfaction surveys
- 14,650 employed in owned centers (637 jobs provided, on average, by IGD in the cities where it is present)
- 306 non-profit associations and entities housed in the shopping centers
- 42%: local brands as a percentage of the total number of retailers
- 5%: increase in the like-for-like revenue of local brands
- 105 meetings with banking institutions
- 116 meetings with institutional investors, of which 19 for the first time