4 August 2017
Presentations economic-financial results half yearly
Results presentation as at 30 June 2017
IGD’s main results are:
- Group net profit: €48.9 million (+84.6%)
- Recurring net income (FFO): €31.9 million, (+17.8%); outlook FY2017 revised upward: +20% vs FY2016
- Core business revenue: €71.6 million, +6.0% (LFL Italy +1.5%, Romania +7.0%)
- Sales of retailers in Italian malls +1.3%; significant upside on renewed leases (Italy +4.7%; Romania +2.5%)
- Loan-to-value 48.5%; average cost of debt 2.9%
- Market value of the portfolio: €2,210.4 million; LFL +0.7%
- EPRA NAV per share: €1.38 (+1.0%); EPRA NNNAV per share: €1.31 (+1.6%)