20 February 2024
Job posting job search closed
Shopping Center & Marketing Assistant San Donà di Piave

Purpose of the role
Collaborate in the management of the Shopping Center, in compliance with the economic plans and targets.
- collaborate in the administrative management of the Shopping Centre;
- assist with the stipulation of the supply agreements for services, maintenance and center management (building and appurtenances);
- help to ensure that the maintenance work and the services provided by suppliers is carried out in accordance with the agreements entered into;
- process the data relative to the shopping center and assist in managing the flow of information;
- assist in the marketing of “temporary” spaces, scheduling times and ways the space is to be used in accordance with the budget, as well as assisting with the stipulation of the relative supply contracts;
- contribute to the implementation of the Marketing plan of the Shopping Centre;
- collaborate in the coordination of activities relating to the Promotional Plan.
Job requirements
- Undergraduate degree, preferably in Economics/Marketing
- Good communication and negotiation skills
- Proactive and teamwork oriented
- A short experience in Sales & Marketing field preferred
- English
- Good understanding of MS Office
Location: Centro Piave, San Donà di Piave (VE)
Interested parties are asked to kindly submit their applications by clicking on the link provided below or by writing to ufficio.personaleigd@gruppoigd.it.