Sustainable enterprises are those whose corporate strategies and policies include particular focus on the needs of all their stakeholders and which monitor and optimise their economic, social and environmental impact. Sustainability is part of the DNA of our Group and we are convinced that adopting social and environmental responsibility criteria in the real estate sector is the path to healthy and long- lasting growth, faraway from speculative factors. Over the years we have therefore built up a structured process which has enabled us to increasingly integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business.
For more than 10 years we have been working to make IGD increasingly sustainable from all points of view: economic, social and environmental.
For the future we have decided to commit ourselves publicly and actively contribute to a transition towards a “low carbon” economy in the cities where our shopping centers are located
We are following a sustainable growth approach, where economic-financial aspects are increasingly integrated with social-environmental ones.
As of 2017 IGD’s sustainability strategy is summarized in «Becoming G.r.e.a.t.», which testifies to the company’s commitment to sustainable growth which focuses on environmental issues (Green), on people (Responsible), on being ethical (Ethical), in attractive places (Attractive), together with its stakeholders (Together).
The strategy is made up of three elements which make it effectively operational:
Our process involves a structured engagement of our stakeholders. In particular, we carry out periodic surveys to understand the level of satisfaction of our visitors, of our retailers in our centres, and also of our employees by means of internal atmosphere assessments.
Three corporate bodies are involved in social responsibility:
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to the needs of the local areas in which we operate.
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Our sustainability practices are becoming increasingly recognised at national and international level.