Sustainability integrated into our business

Sustainable enterprises are those whose corporate strategies and policies include particular focus on the needs of all their stakeholders and which monitor and optimise their economic, social and environmental impact. Sustainability is part of the DNA of our Group and we are convinced that adopting social and environmental responsibility criteria in the real estate sector is the path to healthy and long- lasting growth, faraway from speculative factors. Over the years we have therefore built up a structured process which has enabled us to increasingly integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business.

For more than 10 years we have been working to make IGD increasingly sustainable from all points of view: economic, social and environmental.

For the future we have decided to commit ourselves publicly and actively contribute to a transition towards a “low carbon” economy in the cities where our shopping centers are located


key figures (as at 31 december 2023)

3.9 mn€
invested to increase the assets' energy efficiency in Italy and Romania
CO2 emissions 2023 vs 2018
Phovoltaic systems installed in 12 shopping centers

Our sustainability strategy

We are following a sustainable growth approach, where economic-financial aspects are increasingly integrated with social-environmental ones.

As of 2017 IGD’s sustainability strategy is summarized in «Becoming G.r.e.a.t.», which testifies to the company’s commitment to sustainable growth which focuses on environmental issues (Green), on people (Responsible), on being ethical (Ethical), in attractive places (Attractive), together with its stakeholders (Together).

The strategy is made up of three elements which make it effectively operational:

  • the material issues: currently the issues are 10, defined with the materiality analysis carried out in 2017 for the first time and then reviewed in 2022 in line with the new GRI Standards. For 2023 the Group deemed it appropriate to confirm the same material issues that had emerged in 2022.
  • the sustainability targets: 2023 was the second year of the 2022-2024 Business Plan with which we introduced a serie of targets – 41 – up to 2024, for each of the priorities identified (Green, Responsible, Ethical, Attractive, Together). Furthermore, for the first time, we set long-term ambitions up to 2030.
  • the risks and related policies/actions: the relative risks have been identified for each material issue and those risks correspond to policies and actions that the Company is carrying out or will carry out in the next few years.


Our process involves a structured engagement of our stakeholders. In particular, we carry out periodic surveys to understand the level of satisfaction of our visitors, of our retailers in our centres, and also of our employees by means of internal atmosphere assessments.

Three corporate bodies are involved in social responsibility:

  • The Board of Directors
  • The Operating Management (top management)
  • The Sustainability Committee (internal work group)



Our priorities

We are committed in reducing the environmental impact and actively contributing to a transition towards a “low carbon” economy in the countries where we operate.


  • Road to zero emissions
  • Zero waste
  • Accessibility and sustainable mobility


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We continuously place more and more attention on the wellbeing and health, both of our employees and of those that visit our shopping centres on a daily basis.


  • Good employment
  • Wellbeing, health and safety


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We undertake to comply with the highest ethical-social and governance standards, not only by complying with the laws in our daily business and promoting compliance with the law within our stakeholders, but also by adopting international best practices in our governance structure, communications and risk management system.


  • Governance, ethics and corruption


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Our approach aims to ensure our shopping centres are constantly attractive,  when carrying out actions on the assets and when managing both the retail offer and marketing initiatives, with particular focus on innovation


  • Enhancement of the portfolio
  • Spaces to be lived in
  • Innovation


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 We work together with our stakeholders, consolidating, at local level, not only the important role of the Shopping Centres with regard to shopping, but also with regard to economic and social development, in response
to the needs of the local areas in which we operate.


  • Relations with the community and stakeholders


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Certifications and recognitions

Our sustainability practices are becoming increasingly recognised at national and international level.

  • We are particularly proud to have received in 2023, for the tenth year running, the “EPRA sBPR Gold Award” for our sustainability report.
  • As at 31 December 2023, 24 of our shopping centres had obtained UNI EN ISO 14001 Environmental Certification, corresponding to 95% of m2 of the portfolio, and 10 obtained the BREEAM In-Use Certification.
  • In 2022 IGD obtained the BIOSAFETY TRUST CERTIFICATION Management System with regard to the entire Italian portfolio, in addition to the headquarters located in Bologna. This certification represents the first management model introduced into the market which is designed to prevent and mitigate the spread of infections to protect the health of individuals.




Francesco Soldi
Head of Sustainability & Reporting