28 February 2017
Sustainability report
Sustainability report 2016

For the first time, the Board of Directors approved the Corporate Sustainability Report together with the Annual Report. This change is testimony to the Board’s full commitment to integrating the economic-financial agenda with the socio-environmental one.
Four themes were confirmed as the foundation of the Group’s commitment:
- Innovation: continuous updating of the structures (restyling and refurbishment), constant change in the tenant and merchandising mix (26 new brands introduced) and great focus on the innovative solutions offered in the malls, including as part of a multichannel approach (O2O, online to offline)
- Community: the shopping center as both a place for shopping and a meeting place which impacts the local area (more than 14 thousand job opportunities created), as well as a continuous and updated roster of events; the corporate welfare plan for employees was approved
- Environment: from 2011 through today energy consumption has fallen 13% thanks to targeted investments and more efficient management, linked also to UNI EN ISO 14001 environmental certification (roll out calling for the certification of 90% of the Italian malls by 2018); furthermore, beginning this year the electricity purchased by all the shopping centers in Italy will come solely from renewable sources
- Legality: Legality Rating of three stars received from the Italian Competition Authority (“AGCM”), the maximum score awarded for this type of rating