National and international awards
IGD’s work and commitment has obtained, over the years, numerous awards and recognition both at national and international level, bearing witness to the increasing interest directed towards us.
IGD’s work and commitment has obtained, over the years, numerous awards and recognition both at national and international level, bearing witness to the increasing interest directed towards us.
The EPRA Sustainability Awards 2024 were assigned by means of a thorough analysis of the sustainability reports of 170 European real estate companies members of the Association, with the aim of assessing the degree of compliance with EPRA’s Best Practice Recommendations, with regard to the consistency and transparency of the information provided.
Further information can be found in EPRA website.
In 2024, IGD was included for the fourth year in a row among the “LEADER DELLA SOSTENIBILITA’ 2024”, a survey by Statista and Il Sole 24 Ore that evaluates the most sustainable and transparent Italian companies. The research identified the 240 Italian companies that, based on their sustainability report and financial statement, achieved the best environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performances.
This is a recognition of the Company’s strong commitment to improving the energy and environmental performance of its shopping centers, ensuring the health and safety of people, including employees and all those who frequent the shopping centers, and managing all aspects related to corporate governance in an ethical and responsible manner.
On 17 August 2021, the MF-Milano Finanza newspaper published a ranking created by Refinitiv on the stocks of Piazza Affari that have the smallest emissions. The methodology takes into account categories such as emissions, waste, biodiversity, environmental management systems, product innovation, green revenues and use of resources. IGD ranked 34th out of a total of 40 companies included.