The commitment to being increasingly more transparent in ESG communication and lowering environmental impact continues successfully in IGD

IGD is increasingly committed to providing maximum transparency on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues. The company has initiated the process to obtain SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) certification for its environmental emission reduction targets in 2024. The structure for Scope 1 and 2 targets is already defined, while the definition of Scope 3 targets is ongoing. Scope 3 targets pertain to emissions that are not under the company’s direct control but are indirectly related to its activities.
Read moreThe Waste 2 Value project inaugurated at the Centronova Shopping Center

“Waste 2 Value”, the circular economy project involving Camst group, IGD Siiq, Coop Alleanza 3.0 and the municipality of Castenaso, under the supervision of Impronta Etica and sponsored by ATERSIR, was inaugurated this morning at the Centronova Shopping Center in Villanova di Castenaso (BO).
Read moreA pilot project for the promotion of sustainability has been launched at Centro D’Abruzzo.

The pilot project, which aims to analyze and evaluate possible operational interventions for the sustainable management of commercial activities, kicked off yesterday with the involvement of two shopping centers owned by companies associated with the CNCC, including Centro D’Abruzzo owned by IGD.
Read moreIGD obtained the Biosafety Trust Certification for the entire portfolio of properties

On 25 November 2022 IGD obtained the BIOSAFETY TRUST CERTIFICATION for the offices located in Bologna, as well as a portfolio of 7 Shopping Centers, CentroSarca in Sesto S. Giovanni (MI), Conè in Conegliano (TV), ESP in Ravenna, Puntadiferro in Forlì, Tiburtino Shopping Center in Rome, Le Porte di Napoli in Naples and Katanè in Catania, already obtained in 2021, to which were added the remaining 18 Shopping Centers, thus covering the entire portfolio of properties.
Read moreGruppo IGD obtains “BIOSAFETY TRUST CERTIFICATION” for 7 Shopping Centers and the headquarters in Bologna

IGD SIIQ S.p.A. obtained BIOSAFETY TRUST CERTIFICATION today for a portfolio of 7 Shopping Centers, as well as the offices located in Bologna.
Read moreFrom the bin (smart) to the store (ethical): AND CIRCULAR the first vintage store in an IGD shopping center opens

The social cooperative LA FRATERNITA’ joins forces with IGD SIIQ Spa in a circular economy project which provides people with a second chance and reduces our environmental impact.
Read moreVaccination Hub at La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo as of Wednesday, 26 May

Wednesday, 26 May at 11:00 a.m. an important vaccination hub was inaugurated at the La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo.
Igd Siiq Spa, the property company that owns the La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo, will make a substantial space inside its center available as part of an important vaccination campaign being carried out in the Palermo area.
Read moreParticipation in the United Nations Global Compact

IGD sent a letter approved by the Board of Directors to the general secretary of the United Nations in order to inform him of the Company’s formal commitment to following the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, to work to support the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as report on the progress made in this regard every year.
Update of the Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors held on 5 November 2020, approved a new version of the Code; the need for this version arose as a result of both the adoption of new internal policies and procedures by the Company (anti-bribery, privacy, whistleblowing, corporate welfare) and the need to comply with external laws and regulations. Moreover the Code contains the new version of the Charter of Values, which shapes corporate conduct, and the revised rules of conduct, broken down in “general” and “for stakeholders” in order to clarify the “pact” that connects IGD with its stakeholders.
Read moreElectric mobility

During 2020, we continued with the project to promote the use of electric mobility in our shopping centers, expanding the services offered: 19 electric car charging stations, 2 Tesla Supercharger stations and a Ionity High Power Charging Station at the Puntadiferro shopping center were installed.
Read moreIGD launches a communication campaign for seven of its shopping centers

IGD announce the launch of its first communication campaign targeting a new image positioning for seven of its quintessential shopping centers in Italy. The main pay-off of the communication campaign, which has a strong focus on emotional engagement, is “I’m possible, the place where everything is possible”. Through the use of compelling graphics, the campaign aims to create a new brand fantasy. A common thread which will connect all the shopping centers and tell a completely new story capable of leading customers along a path that was conceived to surprise and make people dream.
Read moreInternational recognition for IGD

EPRA (European Public Real Estate Association) confirms the Gold Award for IGD’s 2018 Consolidated Annual Report and 2018 Corporate Sustainability Report. This prize testifies the work done by IGD to further increase the transparency and comparability of its communication, which benefits investors, the financial community and all the Group’s stakeholders, in general.
Read moreBREEAM In-Use certification obtained by IGD’s shopping centers Esp in Ravenna and Puntadiferro in Forlì

Esp Shopping Center in Ravenna and Puntadiferro Shopping Center in Forlì have obtained BREEAM In-Use environmental certification. After the BREEAM certification obtained by Centrosarca in Milan and the BREEAM In-Use awarded the Katanè Shopping Center in Catania and the Tiburtino Shopping Center in Rome, the two new certifications represent another step forward along the path undertaken by IGD focused on social and environmental responsibility.
Read moreIGD and Enerhub sign an agreement for the installation of 32 charging stations for electric cars

IGD and Enerhub have signed an agreement for the installation of 32 charging stations for electric cars in 18 IGD shopping centers. The project timeline calls for the first installations to be made at shopping centers in Emilia Romagna in May-June 2019. After the subsequent steps have been taken, the project will be completed by the first half of 2020.
Read moreDecrease in electricity consumption of Italian shopping centers

In 2018 electricity consumption on a like for like boundary decreased by -1.1% compared to 2017. This reduction was due to two main factors:
-the positive impact of consumption in the structures equipped with photovoltaic systems.
-average summer temperatures that were milder than the year before.
Read moreConfirmed the maximum score for the Legality Rating

IGD renewed, in August 2018, the Legality Rating which had obtained in September 2016, with the maximun score (3 stars). The Legality Rating, is a reward system indicating a company’s compliance with the law, intended as an element to promote market security and competitiveness. It is awarded by the Antitrust Authority (AGCM – Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato).
Read moreEnvironmental certification in Italian shopping centers

Following the feasibility study carried out in 2017, in 2018 IGD initiated the process which led to the recognition
for the certification for Tiburtino and Katanè both of which were certified as “very good” with regard to Asset performance and “good” with regard to Building management.
In 2018, after obtaining the UNI ENI ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) certification in ESP (Ravenna), Puntadiferro (Forlì) and Le Porte di Napoli (Afragola, Naples) Shopping Centres, the number of Shopping Centres certified rose to 17, corresponding to 74% of the portfolio that IGD has decided to certify.
Read moreAnti Bribery Certification for the Romanian subsidiary

Win Magazine SA, our Romanian subsidiary, obtained the UNI ISO 37001 – Anti Bribery Management Systems Certification. This is th eonly internationally recognized standard that certifies a management system actively involved in preventing and combatting corruption within the corporate environment. Win Magazine SA became the first Romanian company to obtain UNI ISO 37001 accredited certification.
Read moreHappy Hand in tour: second edition

Happy Hand in tour, an event organized in cooperation with FISH – Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell’Handicap (Italian Federation for overcoming Handicaps) which is at its second edition, involved 19 Shopping Centers to promote get togethers between able-bodied individuals and those with disabilities on sports and artistic common ground. 124 activities were organised, 70% of which regarded sports and 30% regarded various expressions of the arts, also thanks to substantial cooperation with the local areas: altogether 138 local entities were involved.
The Sustainability Report awarded with the EPRA sBPR Gold Award
For the third consecutive year, IGD received the EPRA sBPR Gold Award, the most important recognition given to corporate sustainability reports, for the degree of compliance with the EPRA sustainabiity’s Best Practices Recommendations
Read moreIGD participated in the first Italian Sustainability Day

IGD participated in the Italian Sustainability Day, the first event entirely dedicated to sustainability organised by Borsa Italiana, the Italian Stock Exchange, to promote dialogue between companies and investors on ESG and sustainability issues.
Waste 2 Value

A project designed with the idea to create an innovative model of circular economy to recover food waste within a shopping centre by converting it into “second products” which will then be introduced into the shopping centre itself in the form of products or services. With Impronta Etica as coordinator, IGD, together with Coop Alleanza 3.0 and Camst – the Italian Food and Beverage Company – is the promoter of this initiative.
Corporate welfare

The Corporate Welfare Plan has been up and running since April 2017 and its objective is to increase the individual wellbeing of the employees and their immediate family in the local area and to have a positive impact on the organisational structure and the internal atmosphere.
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The Antitrust Authority awarded IGD the Legality Rating

IGD obtained the Legality Rating from the Antitrust Authority (L’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato – AGCM) with a score of three stars, the maximum score possible for this recognition
Read moreIGD obtained BREEAM certification for Sarca Shopping Centre

Centrosarca, following the restyling work carried out, obtained BREEAM environmental certification, one of the first out of the up and running centres to obtain it in Italy.
Read moreThe IGD Board of Directors approved the Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report regarding the year 2015 was approved for the first time by the Board of Directors.
Read moreHappy Hand In Tour. For a new culture on disabilities

IGD, in cooperation with FISH – Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell’Handicap (Italian Federation for overcoming Handicaps), launched the Happy Hand in Tour project, involving the organisation of sports and artistic events in its shopping centres for able bodied individuals and those with disabilities.
The Board of Directors approves the Business Plan 2015–2018

The IGD Group’s Business Plan 2015-2018 takes into account the first concrete signs of a reversal in the global economic trend, reflected in the upward revision of all the growth forecasts for Italy.
All employees trained on social responsibilities issues

Training on CSR in 2014 involved all the headquarters employees after having involved executives and managers in addition to the directors of the shopping centers in 2013.
Improved accessibility for individuals with disabilities in our shopping centers

In Centro Sarca and Centro d’Abruzzo, that were subject to restyling, works have been carried out to improve the accessibility to the centers for individuals with disabilities, such as the extension of the parking lots and their approach to the entrance. An external path for blind people has also been realized at the Centro d’Abruzzo
The Board of Directors approves the Business Plan 2014-2016

The Board of Directors unanimously approved the Business Plan 2014 – 2016, updated to reflect the changed global market conditions. The Plan focuses on sustainable portfolio management and the existing pipeline, as well as improving the financial indicators.
First step toward the environmental certification of our portfolio

IGD, together with its subsidiary IGD Management Srl, received ISO14001 environmental certification from DNV Business Assurance for the shopping centers CentroSarca in Sesto San Giovanni (MI), I Bricchi di Isola in Asti (AT), Gran Rondò in Crema (CR) and Mondovicino in Mondovì (CN).
Monthly monitoring of electricity consumption

Starting from 2012 the monitoring of shopping centers electricity consumption takes place with a specific monthly report that allows punctual and specific analysis and evaluation.
The first IGD’s Sustainability report was drawn up

We presented our first Sustainability Report for the year 2010, which aims to respond to the need to give us a method, and specific targets for our efforts.
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