Sustainable holidays in Gruppo IGD’s Shopping Centers

With a view to environmental and economic sustainability, this year Gruppo IGD decided to substitute the external holiday decorations at its shopping centers with low energy impact lighting, while still maintaining the usual holiday atmosphere.
In its malls IGD has organized special events and decorated holiday corners which allow shoppers to experience the spirit and excitement that is unique to this time of the year.
At the same time the commitment to reducing energy consumption continues. In the last ten years the Company, which undertook its sustainability path in 2011, has reduced its energy consumption by more than 33% thanks to the investments made in systems and effective property management. Each year the solar energy panels installed at 7 shopping centers generate 2,700 Mw of electricity, the amount consumed by 1,000 Italian families.
IGD, which immediately adhered to the “Guidelines for lower energy consumption” published by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Centri Commerciali (CNCC), also included investments of €9 million in its 2022-2024 Business Plan earmarked for further improvements in the energy efficiency of its properties.