The first medical center inside an IGD shopping center opens in Bologna

On Monday, August 2nd, Dyadea, the first specialized medical center inside a Gruppo IGD shopping center, opened at Centrol Borgo in Bologna.
This is a therapeutic and diagnostics center which covers an area of more than 230 square meters, with 6 divisions equipped with last-generation equipment. The center will provide highly qualified, medical services covering the main medical specialities: orthopedics, gynocology, opthamology, otolaryngology, cardiology, dermatology and urology, just to name a few.
With the opening of this therapuetic and diagnostics center, the transformation of Gruppo IGD’s shopping centers continues, increasingly more focused on providing transversal customer services.
This direction is also reflected in the recent opening of vaccination hubs at the La Torre center in Palermo and ESP in Ravenna.
“The importance of this opening is twofold for us – stated Daniele Cabuli, IGD’s Chief Operating Officer – on the one hand, it confirms our commitment to expanding the offer at our shopping centers by introducing personal services: a few years ago we began with dental clinics and now. to the satisfaction of our visitors, we have 18 in 18 different structures; on the other hand, it responds to the increasing need of citizens to have healthcare providers nearby which clearly became more pressing over the last few months of the pandemic ”.