22 August 2022
Focus sustainability
The Sustainability Plan activated on a series of projects approved in December 2021

The Business Plan approved by IGD’s Board of Directors last December contains 41 quantitative targets for the three-year period 2022-2024 and identifies 22 ambitions for 2030.
During this first half when implementation of the Plan began, IGD worked on several sustainability projects which are part of its “Becoming GREAT” path and the Green, Responsible, Ethical, Attractive and Together directives.
Let’s take a look at the main results achieved in this first half of 2022.
- IGD confirmed, also for 2022, the purchase of electricity coming exclusively from renewable sources in its Shopping Centers.
- The Company also signed contracts for the installation of solar panels in five shopping centers.
- Following the agreements signed in 2021 with 2 major international players in the electric car charging sector, work has begun on the construction of fast charging stations in 7 Shopping Centers.
- In the first half of 2022, 70% of the employees in Italy and 60% of the ones in Romania participated in training courses.
- A “pulse survey” of the company’s people on aspects of corporate wellness was also carried out.
- Lastly the Biosafety Trust Certification for 7 Shopping Centers and the headquarters in Bologna was also renewed. This certification guarantees that the health of visitors and employees will be monitored in accordance with the protocols designed to prevent also COVID-19 contagion.
- Members of the Board of Directors participated in induction activities relating to results and the goals of IGD’s sustainability path.
- About ISO37001 anticorruption certification, the Supervisory Audit confirmed the effectiveness of IGD’s Organizational Management System and certified legal compliance.
- Work continued on the restyling and refurbishing projects aimed at rendering the properties even more attractive, innovative and energy efficient. In the first half work was done at four shopping centers: at La Favorita in Mantua, with the installation of a LED lighting system, at the Portogrande center near Ascoli Piceno and the Leonardo center in Imola where energy efficiency was improved, as well as at the ESP center in Ravenna where systems were revamped.
- At the same time as the reopenings, social initiatives were also promoted at 90% of the shopping centers comprising IGD’s Italian portfolio.
- As a condition for the issue of sustainable financial instruments, IGD developed its Sustainability Framework which was made available on the corporate website.
- The Company has also decided to resume the “Social Borgo” project, with a focus on the participation of the local community (interrupted during the Covid period)