Vaccination Hub at La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo as of Wednesday, 26 May

Wednesday, 26 May at 11:00 a.m. an important vaccination hub was inaugurated at the La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo.
Presenters at the inauguration included:
- Mr. Fabio Giambrone, Deputy Mayor of Palermo
- Ms. Daniela Faraoni – Regional Director of the Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale or ASP;
- Renato Costa – Regional Commissioner for the Management of Covid-19
- Salvatore Cocina – Regional Head of Civil Protection Services;
- Francesco Cascio – Health Director responsible for the Vaccination Hub
- Fabio Bozzotta – Responsible of La Torre Vaccination Hub
- Regional Environmental Councillor, Mr. Salvatore Cordaro, representing the Sicilian Regional President Nello Mosumeci
- Fabio Teresi – Chairman of the V District Palermo/Borgonuovo
Igd Siiq Spa, the property company that owns the La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo, will make a substantial space inside its center available as part of an important vaccination campaign being carried out in the Palermo area. More specifically, a dedicated area of 1,800 square meters with 70 stations capable of providing more than 900 vaccinations per day has been set up.
In this way the Shopping Center with its large, well organized, supervised, systematically sanitized, and easy to reach spaces is, once again, confirmed as a regional point of reference; it is the ideal location for the quick and safe creation of areas which can provide local medical assistance.
The vaccination hub will be open non-stop every day from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Access is simple; first you make an appointment online through the ASP Palermo website and, once all the formalities for the reservation have been completed, on the day and at the time indicated you go to the shopping center where there will be two welcome/help desks in the main foyer.
An APP will also become active in the next few days which can be used to manage each reservation, including the ability to receive a 15-minute alert before your vaccination so that you can move freely around the center before your appointment.