“Voglia di vincere” at 27 IGD Shopping Centers

In the wake of last year’s success, in 2020 there will also be a “grand concorso” in IGD’s shopping centers with even more prizes and strong focus on safety.
The sweepstakes, referred to as “Voglia di vincere”, will be held from 12 October to 1 November 2020 at 27 of IGD’s shopping centers, spread throughout the country, from Trentino Alto Adige to Sicily; the event will be carried out in a completly safe environment, thanks to the application of all the measures needed to ensure the the safety of both visitors and retailers.
The sweepstakes, conceived by Igd Siiq and organized by Proxima Spa, features a significant amount of prizes, amounting to more than €630,000, with a great number of instant rewards: €250,000 in coupons to be used in the shopping malls and 20,000 prizes from top brands which translates into almost 15 winners every hour in each shopping center.
In addition, there will also be a final drawing, with prizes focused on being green and sustainability, consistent with IGD’s mission: a Mercedes Class A 250 Hybrid EQ Power, 27 Kalkhoff e-bikes, 54 coupon carnets worth €1,000 each to be spent in shopping center stores and 81 Huawei tablets.
A simple mechanism will be used to encourage maximum participation: everyone who makes a purchase of at least €10 in the shopping center stores, within a certain period of time, may participate in the sweepstakes. The event promises to be a great draw thanks also to the contribution of the following brands which made the 20,000 instant prizes available: Lycia, Ciao, Biopoint, Amen, Ubena and Essenziale.
The 27 shopping centers involved include:
- Centro Sarca – Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
- Gran Rondò – Crema (CR)
- Millennium Center – Rovereto (TN)
- Conè – Conegliano (TV)
- Centro Piave – San Donà di Piave (VE)
- Centro Lame – Bologna
- Centro Borgo – Bologna
- Centro Nova – Villanova di Castenaso (BO)
- Leonardo – Imola (BO)
- ESP – Ravenna (RA)
- Le Maioliche – Faenza (RA)
- Punta di Ferro – Forlì
- Lungo Savio – Cesena
- Fonti del Corallo – Livorno
- Tiburtino – Guidonia Montecelio (Roma)
- Casilino – Roma
- Città delle Stelle – Ascoli Piceno
- Maremà – Grosseto
- Porto Grande – San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
- Centro d’Abruzzo – San Giovanni Teatino (CH)
- Le Porte di Napoli – Afragola (NA)
- La Torre – Palermo
- Katanè – Gravina di Catania (CT)
- La Favorita – Mantova
- Centroluna – Sarzana (SP)
- Porta a Mare – Livorno
- Mondovicino Shopping Center & Retail Park – Mondovì (CN)