Opened the restyled Portogrande Shopping Center in San Benedetto del Tronto

An important property in a key region: more than 20 thousand square meters where, in addition to Ipercoop, there is a well-balanced mix of domestic and global brands, as well as examples of local excellence
Read moreNew senior bond issue

The new senior, non-subordinated and non-convertible bond, issued on 17 November 2023 and which will mature on 17 May 2027, is listed on the Euronext Dublin Global Exchange Market and on the Euronext Access Milan Market and has a total nominal amount of Euro 310,006,000.
Read moreOfficine Storiche at Porta a Mare in Livorno opens its doors

Thanks to the renewal of Officine Storiche, today the entire Porta a Mare area in Livorno looks like a multi-use waterfront, perfectly integrated into the urban fabric. It represents a link between past and present, between industrial architecture and former shipyards, which creates a new horizon for Livorno. Officine Storiche comprises 42 residential units and a retail area with 5 medium-sized stores, 21 retail shops and a 4,700 square meter fitness center.
Read moreIGD executed a green secured facility agreement for an amount equal to Euro 250 million

IGD has executed with a pool of primary national and international banks and institutions a secured facility agreement pursuant to which the relevant lenders make available to the Company a green secured facility of Euro 250 million, with five years maturity. It is envisaged that the facility will be mainly utilized to finance and/or refinance, in whole or in part, the so-called “Eligible Green Projects”, as well as for general corporate purposes.
Read moreIGD obtained the Biosafety Trust Certification for the entire portfolio of properties

On 25 November 2022 IGD obtained the BIOSAFETY TRUST CERTIFICATION for the offices located in Bologna, as well as a portfolio of 7 Shopping Centers, CentroSarca in Sesto S. Giovanni (MI), Conè in Conegliano (TV), ESP in Ravenna, Puntadiferro in Forlì, Tiburtino Shopping Center in Rome, Le Porte di Napoli in Naples and Katanè in Catania, already obtained in 2021, to which were added the remaining 18 Shopping Centers, thus covering the entire portfolio of properties.
Read moreOpened the restyled “La Favorita” Shopping Center in Mantua

On November 10th IGD SIIQ inaugurates the restyled interior and exterior of the “La Favorita” Shopping Center in Mantua with a four-day program full of entertainment.
As a result of the restyling, new green areas and walkways were created to accommodate outdoor dining and lounge areas, and a visible connection between the shopping center, cinema and sports arena was defined.
Read moreThe Company and a pool of primary national and international lenders executed a green facility agreement for an amount equal to euro 215 million

IGD announces that today it has executed with BNP Paribas in its capacity of Global Coordinator and Green Coordinator and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A., Banco BPM S.p.A., Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., China Construction Bank, Deutsche Bank S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and MPS Capital Services Banca per le Imprese S.p.A., in their capacity of Arrangers and Lenders, a facility agreement pursuant to which the relevant lenders make available to the Company a green facility of Euro 215 million, with three years maturity and an extension option in favor of the Company up to five years.
Read moreApproved the 2022-2024 Business Plan

Primary goal of the Plan is the proactive management of the assets in order to prepare them for the future and the new market challenges: the company expects a return to organic growth based on sustainability and innovation.
Read moreSale of a portfolio of “stand alone” hypermarkets and supermarkets

IGD sold a real estate portfolio comprised of 5 hypermarkets (located in Livorno, Schio, Lugo, Pesaro and Senigallia) and 1 supermarket (in Cecina) for €140 million, in line with the book value at 30 June 2021. All the properties sold are “stand alone” and not connected to IGD’s freehold malls. The transaction was finalized by transferring the entire real estate portfolio to “Fondo Juice” – a closed end real estate alternative investment fund (an Italian AIF).
Read moreAppointed the new Board of Directors

The shareholders, during the meeting held on 15 April 2021, appointed the Board of Directors that will remain in office for the next three years, through the Annual General Meeting called to approve the 2023 Annual Report. Subsequently the new Board of Directors called upon Rossella Saoncella to act as Chairman of the Board of Directors and confirmed Claudio Albertini as Chief Executive Officer. The Director Stefano Dall’Ara was appointed Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Read moreRedeemed, in full, the Notes denominated “€300,000,000 2.500 per cent. Notes due 31 May 2021”

IGD has redeemed in full the Notes, for an aggregate principal amount equal to Euro 70,793,000, and therefore cancelled the Notes.
Read moreUNI ISO 37001:2016 “Anti bribery management system” certification obtained

On 20 April 2020, IGD obtained UNI ISO 37001:2016 “Anti-bribery management system” certification, the international standard for anti-corruption management systems issued by RINA Services S.p.A., an independent certifier accredited by Accredia (a national accrediting entity for certifications and inspections appointed by the government) and the Italian leader in compliance certification.
Read moreCovid-19 pandemic begins

Following the spread of Covid-19 in Italy and the consequent health emergency, beginning 23 February 2020 different local administrations and the national government gradually put more restrictive measures in place for our shopping centers, initially in the Milan area, subsequently in Lombardy and a few regions of northern Italy and, lastly, as of 12 March 2020 (Presidential Decree of 11 March 2020), throughout Italy. The same situation occurred in Romania, starting from 22 March 2020, the government has adopted restrictive measures very similar to those in force in Italy.
Read moreRepurchase and cancellation of certain notes and issue of new notes

IGD announces that today the Notes denominated “€300,000,000 2.500 per cent. Notes due 31 May 2021” and “€162,000,000 2.650 per cent. Notes due 21 April 2022” tendered to the offer launched by BNP Paribas S.A. – whose settlement was on 22 November 2019 – were repurchased. Moreover, the new notes of a nominal amount of Euro 400,000,000, maturity 28 November 2024 and fixed rate of 2.125% per year.
Read moreOpening of the restyled Le Fonti del Corallo shopping center

Over the past weekend IGD celebrated the restyling of the mall in the Le Fonti del Corallo Shopping Center in Livorno. Footfalls recorded during the two days of festivities were 14.6% higher than in the same period of 2018, testimony to the success of center’s relaunch.
Read moreOpening of the restyled Centro Casilino shopping center in Rome

IGD opened the restyled mall in the Casilino Shopping Center in Rome. The footfalls recorded during the three days of events were up by 11.4% compared to the same weekend in 2018, reflecting the success of the relaunch of the center.
Read moreFitch assigns a rating “BBB-“; outlook stable

The rating agency Fitch Ratings Ltd (“Fitch”) has assigned IGD a long-term issuer default rating of “BBB-” with a stable outlook.
Read moreIGD signs final contracts for the sale of assets

IGD announces that today it has signed with a premiere international real estate player final contracts involving: the sale by Porta Medicea Srl of “Palazzo Orlando”, an office building in Livorno and the purchase by IGD of the 50% interest in the “Darsena City” Shopping Mall of which it is currently joint-owner.
Read moreS&P Global Ratings assigns IGD a “BBB-” rating; outlook stable

The rating agency S&P Global Ratings has assigned IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. a “BBB-“ rating with outlook stable.
Read moreApproved the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan focuses on strengthening and maintaining the sustainability of the shopping centers’ leadership in their respective catchment areas, in order to be ready to face the market changes underway and future challenges.
IGD and a pool of lenders executed a facility agreement for an amount equal to Euro 200 million

IGD has executed with a pool of lenders, including BNP Paribas Italian Branch, a senior unsecured facility of Euro 200 million, with three years maturity and an extension option up to five years.
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Appointed the new Board of Directors

The shareholders appointed the Board of Directors that will remain in office for the next three years, through the Annual General Meeting called to approve the 2020 Annual Report, setting the number of directors at 11.
Completion of the acquisition of a portfolio of four shopping malls and a retail park

IGD signed the final agreement for the acquisition of four shopping malls and a retail park located in Northern Italy, part of significant shopping centres in their respective catchment areas (Centro Leonardo in Imola, Centro Lame in Bologna, La Favorita in Mantova and CentroLuna in Sarzana).
Read more
Claudio Albertini appointed member of EPRA’s Advisory Board

Claudio Albertini, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer was appointed member of EPRA (European Public Real Estate Association)’s Advisory Board
Read moreESP shopping center in Ravenna double the size

ESP becomes the most significant asset in IGD’s portfolio in terms of value and one of the biggest shopping centers in Italy.
Read moreElio Gasperoni appointed new Chairman of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors appointed Elio Gasperoni, formerly a director of IGD SIIQ and Vice Chairman of Coop Alleanza 3.0, to act as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors .
Read morePrivate placement of the 100 million bond to an American investor: a a step forward in the financial strategy

IGD announces that the settlement has occurred in respect of the private placement and the issuance of Euro 100,000,000 unsecured non-convertible bond with a 7years maturity.
Read moreIGD grows again: the new Marema’ shopping center inaugurated today in Grosseto

Maremà promises to be an important point of reference for shopping with a mall that covers a gross leasable area (GLA) of 17,110 m2 comprised of 44 shops and 7 internal midsize stores.
Read moreNew 300 million euro bond issue

Successful completion today of the placement of an unsecured, non-convertible EUR 300 million bond with qualified investors.
Read moreMoody’s assigns to IGD a preliminary rating (P)Baa3 with a stable outlook

The rating agency Moody’s assigns IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. with a provisional first-time long-term issuer rating of “(P)Baa3” with a stable outlook.
Read moreApproved the update of the Business Plan 2016-2018

The Business Plan was updated in order to reflect both the changing global market conditions, as well as, in particular, the acquisition completed year-end 2015.
Read moreThe market value of IGD’s portfolio exceeds the 2 billion euro threshold

The IGD Group’s real estate porfolio reached a market value of 2,082 million euros, showing a 6.7% increase compared to 31 December 2014.
Read morePurchased the Puntadiferro shopping mall in Forlì

IGD finalized the purchase from UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. of 100% of Punta di Ferro S.r.l.’s share capital for €127.9 million.
The real estate complex on Via Rizzoli, in the historic heart of Bologna, sold to UBS

IGD finalized the sale of the real estate complex on Via Rizzoli, in the historic heart of Bologna, to UBS Real Estate GmbH.
Thursday, 14 May 2015, new Clodi Retail Park opened

Thursday, 14 April at 10:00 a.m. the new Chioggia retail park will be presented to the public: more than 16 thousand square meters will house 1 Ipercoop, 6 midsize stores, 6 shops and 2 restaurants.
The Board of Directors approves the Business Plan 2015–2018

The IGD Group’s Business Plan 2015-2018 takes into account the first concrete signs of a reversal in the global economic trend, reflected in the upward revision of all the growth forecasts for Italy.
Appointed the new Board of Directors

Gilberto Coffari confirmed as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Claudio Albertini as Chief Executive Officer; the number of directors reduced from 15 to 13 and 2 directors appointed from the minority list.
Approx. 200 million euro share capital increase successfully completed and purchase of a real estate portfolio finalized

Share capital increase successfully completed and fully subscribed for an amount of Euro 199,678,059.50 and the purchase of a real estate portfolio comprising a shopping center, two hypermarkets and two supermarkets was finalized.
Completion of the third Dividend Reinvestment Option for the year 2013

Today the public offer to subscribe 15,640,526 newly issued ordinary shares of IGD, reserved for recipients of the dividend for 2013 (the so-called “Dividend Reinvestment Option”), was completed.
Quantm Strategic Partners ltd. acquires 5% of the share capital of IGD SIIQ SPA

On 28 February 2014 IGD sold all of its 10,976,592 treasury shares or approximately 3.15% of the share capital, to Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd., a fund managed by Soros Fund Management LLC.
IGD sells the mall of the Fonti del Corallo Shopping Center in Livorno

IGD signed a preliminary agreement for the sale of the mall in the Fonti del Corallo Shopping Center in Livorno to a private real estate fund managed by BNP Paribas REIM Sgr, advised by CBRE.
The Board of Directors approves the Business Plan 2014-2016

The Board of Directors unanimously approved the Business Plan 2014 – 2016, updated to reflect the changed global market conditions. The Plan focuses on sustainable portfolio management and the existing pipeline, as well as improving the financial indicators.
Completion of the second Dividend Reinvestment Option for 2012

Today the public offer to subscribe 23,633,236 newly issued ordinary shares of IGD, reserved for recipients of the dividend for 2012, was completed (i.e. Dividend Reinvestment Option).
Final results of the offer to exchange convertible bonds for newly issued senior notes

At the expiration of the Exchange Offer the Company had received subscriptions representing a total nominal amount of Convertible Bonds equal to EUR 122,900,000.
First step toward the environmental certification of our portfolio

IGD, together with its subsidiary IGD Management Srl, received ISO14001 environmental certification from DNV Business Assurance for the shopping centers CentroSarca in Sesto San Giovanni (MI), I Bricchi di Isola in Asti (AT), Gran Rondò in Crema (CR) and Mondovicino in Mondovì (CN).
The Board of Directors approves the Business Plan 2012-2015

The Board of Directors unanimously approved the new Business Plan 2012 – 2015, which focuses on the sustainability of the Group’s revenue, cost of funding and asset values.
Completion of the first Dividend Reinvestment Option for 2011

Today the public offer to subscribe 29,827,267 newly issued ordinary shares of IGD, reserved for recipients of the dividend for 2011, was completed.
Acquisition of the hypermarket found inside the “La Torre” shopping center in Palermo

The definitive agreement for the sale and subsequent lease of the hypermarket found inside the “La Torre” Shopping Center in Palermo have been signed today. As a result of today’s acquisition, the IGD Group owns 100% of the shopping center in Palermo.
Acquisition of the hypermarket found inside the “Conè” shopping center in Conegliano Veneto

The agreement for the sale and subsequent lease of the hypermarket found inside the Cone Shopping Center in Conegliano Veneto have been signed today. As a result of the acquisition IGD owns 100% of the Conè Shopping Center and Retail Park.
IGD’s portfolio is enriched by a real estate complex in the heart of Bologna

IGD signed a preliminary agreement with Leggenda S.r.l. (the Stefanel Group) for the purchase of a real estate complex on Via Rizzoli, Bologna’s main shopping street, in the historical heart of the city.
Acquisition of a business line of the “Gran Rondò” shopping mall in Crema

Il Gruppo, che già possedeva dal dicembre 2008 l’immobile adibito a galleria e gli uffici all’interno del centro commerciale Gran Rondò di Crema (Cr), unifica in questo modo la proprietà immobiliare e il ramo d’azienda, con l’obiettivo di ottenere migliori risultati dalla galleria grazie ad una gestione diretta.
Disposal of two shopping centers through the sale of the stake in RGD to Beni Stabili S.p.A.

IGD sold two (Beinasco and Nerviano) of the three shopping centers owned by RGD, through the sale of the stake in the latter.
The new Conè Shopping Center and Retail Park opened today in Conegliano

Today IGD inaugurated the Conè Shopping Center and Retail Park in Conegliano, near Treviso.
A new mall found inside the La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo will enter in IGD portfolio

IGD finalized the contract for the purchase of the mall in the soon to be opened La Torre Shopping Center in Palermo from COGEI Costruzioni S.p.A..
IGD purchases the Le Maioliche Shopping Center in Faenza

IGD purchased the Le Maioliche Shopping Center in Faenza, inaugurated on 4 June 2009.
A new shopping center opens in Catania

IGD inaugurated the Katanè Shopping Center in Gravina (Catania), where it owns a 15,000 m2 mall which houses 70 shops and six midsize stores.
Claudio Albertini is the new Chief Executive Officer

Claudio Albertini, formerly a director of Igd SIIQ SpA and manager of the UGF Group, was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Inauguration of IGD’s Tiburtino shopping center on 2 April

A 52 thousand square meter “piazza” in Guidonia Montecelio, with 120 stores, 10 restaurants/cafes and a Coop, open seven days a week, all on one floor.
IGD SIIQ S.p.A. acquires the Gran Rondò Shopping Mall in Crema

IGD acquired the shopping mall and the offices located in the Grand Rondo’ Shopping Center in Crema.
IGD purchases the Lungo Savio shopping mall in Cesena

IGD purchased from Coop Adriatica SCARL the Lungo Savio shopping mall in Cesena. The mall houses 21 shops for a total GLA of 10,800 m2.
IGD becomes the first Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata – SIIQ (real estate investment trust)

IGD elected to exercise the option to be treated as a SIIQ under the tax regime introduced and regulated by Law n. 296 of 27 December 2006.
The IGD Group acquires 100% of the company Winmarkt Magazine SA, which controls an important real estate portfolio in Romania

IGD signed a preliminary agreement for the purchase of a real estate portfolio in Romania comprised of 15 Winmarkt brand shopping centers covering a total of 147,000 m2.
The final agreement for the acquisition of the shopping center and the retail park Mondovicino in Mondovì has been signed

The Shopping Village, whose inauguration of the shopping center and retail park is scheduled for today, is an innovative project developed on a total area of 390,000 m2 to combine shopping and leisure, culture and entertainment.
Agreement signed to create a premiere mixed-use center in Livorno

IGD resolved to set up a Newco for the purposes of developing the mixed-use property in Livorno.
The Board of Directors approves the Business Plan 2008-2012

The new business plan – approved before the end of the previous business plan in October 2005 – calls for €800 million in new investments, 70% of which will be allocated to core business activities – the acquisition, development and leasing of retail real estate, and continuous improvement of the relative yields.
Formation of RGD, a 50/50 joint venture between Beni Stabili and IGD, in order to purchase and enhance the value of existing shopping centers

RGD, Riqualificazione Grande Distribuzione, which is owned 50% by IGD and 50% by Beni Stabili, has an initial real estate portfolio of two shopping centers, located in Ferrara and Nerviano, worth a total of €113.2 million.
IGD acquires the mall in the Millennium Shopping Center in Rovereto (Trento)

IGD signed a preliminary contract with Santoni Costruzioni group, a non-related company, for the purchase of 100% of a company owning the Millenium mall in Rovereto (Trento).
IGD acquires the mall of the CentroSarca Shopping Center in Milan

IGD signed a preliminary agreement with Coop Lombardia, an unaffiliated company, for the purchase of 100% of the subsidiary Larice S.r.l., a real estate company which owns the mall in the CENTROSARCA Shopping Center in Milan.
IGD acquires the Darsena city shopping center in Ferrara

IGD S.p.A. acquires the Darsena city shopping center in Ferrara from Magazzini Darsena S.p.A. (Sinteco group S.p.A.), a non-related party. The acquisition is in line with the latest Business Plan and involves a total cash-out of € 56 million.
The Business Plan 2005-2010 presented to the financial community

Investments of €810 million over the next 3 years in order to acquire and develop new shopping centers, enhance the value of the real estate portfolio and provide a major boost to the services business.
IGD listed on the stock exchange in order to support the intense development

With a portfolio of 7 shopping centers, 5 hypermarkets and 1 supermarket, which at the end of July 2005 were valued at €555.2 million, the Company will make its debut on the Italian stock exchange in February 2005 and undertake an investment pipeline which calls for investments of €810 million over the three-year period 2005-2008.
IGD is ready for its IPO

In 2004 IGD’s increases its interest in Gescom, the company involved in the promotion and management of shopping malls, from the 60% purchased in 2002 to 100%.
Over time IGD’s real estate portfolio gradually becomes large enough to attract interest and the company develops extensive expertise in its specific businesses: IGD is now ready for its debut on the stock exchange and to subsequently fund its future development.
Unicoop Tirreno becomes a shareholder of IGD

In 2003 Ipercoop Tirreno also becomes a shareholder of IGD as a result of the transfer of the Afragola Shopping Center in Campania; subsequently Ipercoop Tirreno sells its interest in IGD to Unicoop Tirreno (formerly Coop Toscana Lazio). Over the next two years IGD continues to consolidate the real estate assets belonging to Coop Adriatica and Unicoop Tirreno and purchases the Casilino Shopping Center in Rome and the Le fonti del Corallo Shopping Center, near Livorno, from the latter.
IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione is officially born

In 2000 Coop Adriatica transfers part of its retail real estate assets to ESP which changes its name definitively to IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione.
1977-1999: the long journey of ESP which becomes part of the Coop world in 1983

IGD’s origins are rooted in the activities which in 1977 were already managed by ESP Dettaglianti Associati srl in the Ravenna area and which were focused primarily on the rental of properties for the sale of non-food products.
In 1983 Coop Romagna-Marche becomes part of ESP following the purchase of an initial 53% of ESP’s share capital, which is destined to increase gradually over time. In 1995 Coop Romagna-Marche merges with Coop Emilia-Veneto giving birth to Coop Adriatica which by 2006 controls 100% of ESP.
In 1998 the first ESP shopping center opens in Ravenna with Coop Adriatica operating the hypermarket and Gescom managing the shopping mall: a relationship which will endure over time.